- Talent
- Bands
- Classical
- DJ's
- Ensembles
- Jazz
- Keynote Speakers
- Soloists
- Variety Entertainment
- Specialties
- Theme Parties
- Casino
- School Events
- Fundraisers
- Anniversaries
- Lighting
- Reunions
- Interactive Video Games
- Video DJ Production
- Green Screen Photography
- Instant Photography
- Audio Visual Production
- Battle of the Bands
- Party Store
- Photo Booths
- Dueling Pianos
- Planning Links
- Music Database
- Special Event Timeline
- Satisfaction Survey
- Referral Program
- Special Event Blog
We are active in the community and are happy to help you raise money or awareness for your special fundraising event. Let our team of caring, compassionate professionals help you market, plan, and execute your event to maximize exposure to the community and dollars in the coffer. We would love to help...just ask!