Norton Buffalo

An Evening With Norton Buffalo, is an evening of both Acoustic and Electric music that brings you a big part of the broad range of music that Norton Buffalo performs and writes. For years fans have seen Norton Buffalo with his band "Norton & The Knockouts", his duet with slide guitarist Roy Rogers, or with his acoustic group, "Norton & Friends". Each of these brings you but a small part of the diverse styles that Norton performs. This evening of music brings many of those styles together in one wonderful evening of music that highlights his diverse writing, singing and harmonica skills, as well as bringing to you a great collection of talented musicians that are truly the backbone of the presentation.

Buffalo has been blessed, over the years, to surround himself with a great collection of amazingly talented musicians. His acoustic group, Norton & Friends which includes his wife, Lisa Flores-Buffalo, David Aguilar, David Brown and Owen Davis, brings you the softer more melodic side of Norton's songwriting. Taking you from gorgeous vocal harmonies and beautiful lilting harmonica to high energy hot rod harmonica riffs and plenty of storytelling, In an acoustic performance that includes Latin, Country, Folk, Folk Rock, Bluegrass and Blues, Norton & Friends brings you the Americana side of Norton Buffalo in a performance that will leave you wondering ... "how much higher can it get than this?" ...

Norton's Electric band Norton & The Knockouts has been performing with him now for over 25 years. This is a band of seasoned Blues, R&B and Rock and Roll veterans who have backed the likes of Elvin Bishop, Boz Scaggs, Elvis Costello, Commander Cody, Charlie Musselwhite, The Fabulous Thunderbirds, Greg Allman, and so many more. The amazing tightness and dynamics that they bring to Norton's music takes you on a ride that will rock you as well as move your soul. In a set filled with original R&B and Blues, sprinkled with Latin and Reggae, The Knockouts are joined by the members of "Friends" both on background vocals and percussion, as the evening climbs and grooves through the night.

An Evening With Norton Buffalo, is a show that is a must see!! If you see this show coming to your area, make sure to grab some tickets and tell all your friends ... you certainly won't want to be one of those who hears about how amazing the performance was, the day after the concert!
In many of these shows, Norton invites special guests to share the stage with him. Among those special guests, are two amazing Bay Area talents, Tom Rigney, and Carlos Reyes. Keep an eye on Norton's Calendar and performance schedules to see when this show is happening and who he may have onstage kicking the already high voltage up to the next level.